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Secrets of the Master hydroponic growers

Secrets of the Master hydroponic growers

Secrets of the Master hydroponic growers

Posted: 03 Jul 2011 11:03 PM PDT

Starting and running a hydroponic garden can be a daunting task, but in reality is a walk in the park all you need is to learn the basics and spend much time fine tuning the system. Once you learn the basics, set up your hydroponic garden, and also have all the elements and factors adjusted, then everything should work without problems.

The secret of hydroponics gardening is that "the food in water." Design and installation of the system focus and dependgrow on this and the types of plants you want.

So, read on to learn more about this mystery.

Nutrients: the perfect mix

Feed your job can not live without

All plants need food in the form of macro-and micro-nutrients to grow well and bring the ideal efficiency. The same goes for the hydroponic garden. The first group is composed mainly of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and secondly calcium, magnesium and sulfur.Some of the micronutrients required by plants, boron, manganese, copper, zinc, chloride, iron and molybdenum. Up your favorite plant, it is imperative that you find the perfect combination of nutrients that meet their varying stages of development that otherwise use your investment go down the drain into them.

These are foods that require your favorite plant to survive, produce fruits that you want in terms of quantity and quality, and grow healthy enough toto reproduce:

Nitrogen plants need it, for proteins and enzymes used in photosynthesis and metabolic processes that are involved in the production permit. The healthy and proper dosage of these nutrients will ensure the quality of your fruit and leaves of rapid production of seeds.
Phosphorus: It 'mainly involved in the creation of oils and starch in plants. It helps in the conversion of solar energy into chemical energy is urgently needed so thatIncreased their stress tolerance of plants and proper ripening.
Potassium: Helps in protein components and ensures that plants have a greater resistance to disease.
Football: It makes the cell walls of plants stronger and provides greater resistance to them.
Magnesium: It 'important for photosynthesis, because it is a big part of chlorophyll.
Sulphur: This nutrient promotes plant growth and their resistance to cold.
Boron is an essential element in the production ofSeeds and fruits of plants.
Copper: It 'an important ingredient in the reproduction of plants.
Zinc regulates the growth of plants. Produce auxin, which is important for the growth hormone. Zinc is also important for root development and strength training.
Iron: An ingredient in the creation of chlorophyll. Iron deficiency in the growing conditions of plants can be minimized by the choice of suitable land for the plant.
Molybdenum: It helps to use nitrogen. This importantNutrients is important in the production of pollen.
Manganese: Helps to reduce nitrogen and carbohydrates.
Mixing ratios like magic your favorite plants

Just as children need your favorite plants in your hydroponic garden proper nutrition in order to grow healthy and productive. Too much and too little of nutrients leads to problems that can cause distress and financial reverses. You should keep in mind their developmental stagesbefore a feed mix are as follows:

Vegetative stage refers to the short period when the plant photosynthesis begins. This also refers to the growth phase, where they developed their height, thickness of stems, buds and would-be sites lateral branches.
Flowering or fruiting top of the scene, which is very rewarding for you, it's time your plants show their sex and brings flowers.
The ratio NPK 02:01:01

During vegetative growth orStep into your hydroponics garden, you should check your plants at a ratio of 2:01:01 of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) are included. Here are some tips regarding the appropriate conditions, which can be used during the vegetative phase:

A ratio of 20:10:10. This means that 20% should be composed of a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus should be 10% should, potassium 10% and the remaining 60% should consist of secondary macro-and micronutrients.
A ratio of 30:15:15. This30% would require a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus 15% and 15% potassium. The remaining 20% ​​will come from the macro-and micronutrients was secondary.
These mixing ratios to give your plants more resources on photosynthesis and result in a better quality of the leaves and seeds.

The heyday Mix

If your favorite plants begin to flower, set the 01: 02:02 ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. There should be more phosphorus and potassiumNitrogen in the mixture. If you use the 20: 10:10 ratio during the growth phase, the use of 10:20:20 ratio during flowering. And if you use the ratio of 30:15:15 in the growing season, you must use the 15: 30:30 ratio during the flowering period. With these figures, your plants will be stronger and carry more stress tolerance. In addition, it is even suggested that during the flowering hydroponic garden in the project, you can stop is to feed your plants with nitrogen and focusphosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulfur. Overfeeding can kill, as in the case of humans.

10 Easy Tips and formula feeding

There are two ways to get the magic mixture and the correct ratio. Or buy or pre-formulated nutrients make on your own. The first option is all you need to do is combine a standard format specified by the manufacturer of the concentrate with water. The second possibility is furtherinexpensive and effective, because the mix of what your plants need to be based. Whatever your choice, there are considerations you'll never forget, such as pH or acidity of the formula, because the ability of roots to absorb nutrients will depend on need. Here are some friendly advice and read this note:

Keep the "value formulas pH on the best choice for your favorite plants, which is 5.8 to 6.5. An acidic pH level is 1, 7neutral and base 14. You may need to adjust the pH of a chemical kit, supplies, because the materials are consumed or through electronic tools such as pens with LCD monitor, which are immersed in the solution measured.
Adjust the pH if necessary. This can be done through the use of distilled vinegar. A perfect blend or balance of phosphorous, nitric and sulfuric acid is particularly important that the potential benefits that might accrue from their plants to maximizeNutrients such as phosphorus, nitrogen and sulfur. To increase the basic pH, can be potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide. You can use baking soda as a means to adjust.
Alternative use hydroponic systems to feed nutrients to the plants, in addition to those already in practice. These systems, which are used most frequently are, aeroponics, continuous culture solution, the static solution culture, flooding and drainage sub-irrigation, passive sub-irrigation system, top-irrigation,Irrigation ultrasound and deep culture. Alternative delivery systems include the use of coconut fibers, pre-treated. They have less sodium and potassium and are rich in magnesium and calcium, is very useful to enhance or improve plant growth.
Replace the culture medium at an interval of two weeks. Remove the old solution from the tank and clean the equipment with hot water to kill bacteria hostile, wouldbeen accumulated.
Recycle the old solution. Instead of throwing them away, use it to water the plants.
Keep the water level in the tank. Be sure to check on a daily basis, because water evaporates quickly on hot days.
Do not overdo it with food. Nutrients too could lead to the death of loved plants and would mean big losses on your side.
Dissolve the powder solution before inserting them into the water in the tank. If you use concentrated liquid, the betterstir before putting them directly into the water.
Stop-nutrient feed the plants at least seven days before harvest. Units if the water in the breast.
Oxygenate the water. You aged tap water for three days, putting it in a container.
Ventilation: Managing Heat

Changes due to the susceptibility of plants to the elements, it is important that you heat in your hydroponic garden in agreement. Some countries have only two seasons: wet and dry, and one of them isAustralia. The drying time usually for six months when the temperature is lower end. During the rainy season, usually a period of six months, there is too much rain and the temperature is high due to the increased moisture in the air. For hydroponic growers like you, these changes in climate could a lot of challenges, as some use of artificial light is, of course, the heat radiated by the increase in artificial light. The more power used, themore heat is generated. Excessive heat can kill your favorite plants, the first to enjoy the growth or flowering.

What can be done

There are several things you do, you can handle the heat – increase or decrease. They have to learn to heat treatment, because it could either too low or too high. If it is too low, the plants will die of cold, and with him too low in their spiral leaves and eventually die. These are some simple things you can do:

UseTo adjust the air conditioning or air flow smoke and then the temperature of your room hydroponics. If air conditioners are too expensive for you in terms of energy consumption, then create a ventilation system. The most common are those who smoke, hot air from the ceiling to make the flow of the surface in another room. Other RWA are installed on the air through the chimney, walls, roofs or even exhausted. You can use simple devices, such as bathroom fans use as exhaust gas.
Monitor the temperature and humidity of the hydroponic cultivation of a thermometer. Create a system that is clearly the heat cycles of 5 minutes and 25 minutes, when artificial lights are lit. Do you need a timer and fan for this type of system.
Establish a system based on the thermostat. Automatically turns on a fan or air conditioning, heating, or when a certain temperature is reached and turns the refrigeration unit when the level Decrease of at least 4 degrees Celsius.
For internal purposes, the fans moving air will swing. It will help the circulation of carbon dioxide and at the same time keeps the moisture in the mounting yard. This must be done to reduce the incidence of plant diseases caused by fungi and to absorb the moisture in his room.
In order to avoid drops in temperature, which usually occurs at night or when artificial lighting is off, you must install a propaneHeating>, specify the order in a thermostat or timer coordinated. If you want to use a thermostat, is set to a temperature below 20 degrees Celsius to recognize and turned on the heater and turn it off when the heat level is 30 degrees Celsius. In addition, this system will provide more resources than the plants carbon dioxide, which is essential for photosynthesis.
The installation of a thermo-hygrometer. You can go through a period of 24 hours ormore. It will give you a close monitoring of humidity and temperature.
Lighting: Fluorescent and HPS

The light is necessary for his favorite plant in your garden hydroponics for photosynthesis and as indicators of time and seasons. With hydroponic lighting systems, you can control the timing and duration of exposure of plants to light in order to standardize the photosynthetic cycles. With them you can also simulate the seasons, forencourage them to flourish and prolong the growing season, so you can enjoy all year round supply of your favorite plants and fruits. Imagine that, even in times of winter, the plants grow further and prosper. If calories from fat people are, get plants from light. With artificial lighting could be your favorite plant to grow higher than six feet in three or four months.

Large systems of artificial lighting

Your favorite plants hydroponically in a safeBlossom to their fullest potential and give you the best possible quality and the amount of artificial light by the following:

Fluorescent and LED (light emitting diodes, or) are the best in the phase in which the plants begin to grow your plants to use.
Metal halide lamps (or MH) lamps and high pressure sodium vapor (HPS) systems would be better for the flowering phase.
Explained fluorescent

Fluorescent tubes are ideal for plants, and because of their lowIntensity that they need to be placed closer to the plants. They should be hung at least 15/08 cm from the plants. She has the following advantages:

Improving the health and strength of seedlings or cuttings
Superior quality and root growth
Maximizing the response of photosynthesis in plants
Unveiling metal halide lamps

You provide your hydroponic garden abundant light blue and green spectrum, which is essential for plant growth. With theirYou can be sure that your plant leaf growth would be maximized, and will grow to be sturdy and compact. Compared to fluorescent and incandescent bulbs, but they are the best for the flowering stage, because their brightness is 125 lumens, which is quite significant, compared to 18 lumens and 39 lumens of incandescent lamps. They are efficient and effective in the vegetative stage and flowering.

HPS lamps at its best

Sodium vapor lamps are high pressure lampsis considered best for the improvement of the processes of budding and flowering of your favorite plants because they emit across the spectrum red and yellow. Issue, in other words, they are bulbs that closely mimics natural light. Most users prefer it during the first of their hydroponic garden.

Tips backlight must practice

Whatever your preferred system for your hydroponics garden, you should not forget to maximize the following procedure toYour plant health, growth and reproduction:

For two months, continuing to expose the young plants or seedlings to light. If the phase of vegetation, light up 22 hours a day, and when they bloom, keep them on for a maximum of 12 hours a day.
Keep light near the plant, but do not allow them to touch the leaves. If the edges of the leaves curl, it means that they are overheated.
During the phase of vegetation, use lamps that emit blueand red bands of the spectrum. Metal halide lamps and fluorescent lamps provide a blue light, red light.
Minimal exposure is twenty watts per foot. You can still go much higher, but not too high or otherwise fry your plants and can not be underestimated, as they may fall.
Fix to make the lights on the roof gives you flexibility. As the plants grow larger, you can put the onions later.
Utilize reflectors to ensure uniform illumination for all your plants. Those who do not receive sufficient light, such asothers would be distorted, grow taller and thinner.
Planning and design of a daily light cycle. If you do not, your plants will grow up evil. And if you wake them, if they are already accustomed to it is the dark moment of the day, they are traumatized and may get sick.
Painting the walls, roofs, floors and offer even greater capacity for reflection with the white light of your space. He loved to brighten the days of your favorites, and feel and nice.
Clones:The increase in the rate of success of your hydroponic garden

Cloning is just under a section of the plant that grows along with other cuts and put in a vase or a separate container. Make sure that the clone that come from female plants. If done properly taken care of, they are mature plants, the exact copy of the original or source cultivated plants. It 'a method that would certainly help in controlling the quality of plants, seeds and fruit. The clonesgrow faster than those from seeds, and makes more efficient use of your time.

Useful tips to improve your success rate

Clones are very effective tools for the reproduction of plants in your hydroponics project. Be especially careful when, to ensure the success, otherwise you just waste time, energy and money for them. These are tips that might help:

Clone only plants that are healthy, well developed, and improvedFlowering capacity.
Taking more cuts than necessary for the plant, in order to have a wider range of choices. Choose the best among them.
Before cutting, remove the nitrogen from the source system by feeding it heavily with water, the pH is adjusted and no fertilizers or nutrients for at least two or three days. If not, they inhibit the growth of the roots of the Clones.
Select the media you use for your clones. You canThe use of cubes that fit pre-formed and contain holes for the cuttings.
You should cut holes in the upper half, the same size and scope, they would like the stems of the Clones.
Be especially careful when cutting. Do not forget to sterilize your cutting equipment before proceeding with the cloning process, because it could infect the mother plant. Rest assured that if you cut them do it quickly, to keep the air in the master shot.
The clone should be between threeand six inches long – neither more nor less. There should be at least one sheet between the node and, if possible, two of the nodes.
Put the cuttings in a mist dome, where it is humidified artificially two or three times a day. Keep them well ventilated too, making small holes on the top of the dome. Maintaining its temperature at 72 degrees to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
Using double-fluorescent tube, emitting white light – hot and cold. Keep them close to the clones at a distance ofone or two inches. If you use a use artificial lighting, lamps, metal halide lamps or high pressure sodium vapor, to keep the cuts at a distance of two or three feet, when the light is 175-400 watts. If the performance of the bulbs' is at least a thousand, were kept at a distance of at least four meters. Keep cuts lit at least 18 hours a day.
Water every two days, the clones with distilled water with nutrients. When the outdoor temperature is low,They may also have water a day. Do not make the mistake of diving or if you are in water, because the stems are brittle or crumble.
In about a week to control clones. If you see that only works as root, stop the process of humidification assembly or artificial. If they are already well rooted, plant them and remove it from the dome.
Harvest: Curing the right way

The right time to harvest your Hydroponic Garden

If you have reached asIt only means one thing: We have succeeded with your plant growth and flowering stages. They have about the challenges of hydroponic gardening and won triumphantly to avoid the rigors of raising your fruit loved. The average time to harvest after 8-12 weeks of flowering. You must remember that they are best harvested when the production or content of THC trichomes is at maximum. An indicator is on if they have at least one third of their hair or punchwhite to dark brown or reddish colored like. Use a magnifying glass to monitor the stamp. But do not wait until all the marks are dark because they decrease the value of their investments.

The power and quantity are two non-parallel goals in the harvest. If the first is your goal, you should pick up when the THC content of their production up to harvest their crops, and weigh less, but its quality is not much better. If this is your goal, thenCollect them after dark all the punches are.

Drying to improve the quality

After harvesting, it is necessary to separate the leaves from the buds. The next step would be to dry and treat. We must not forget that the leaves and buds to leave a bitter taste and aroma are hard when they are used or consumed directly after harvest. You must be dried to remove or evaporate the water from them. Complete healing process of drying and completely transform the leaves ofPlants, people with good dreams and magic. Here are some things that you need when drying your plants:

Hang in a dry, dark and cool. Keep the temperature at 20 degrees Celsius or 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Too much heat and light destroy their quality.
Not directly treat the plants. To avoid damage, the quality of the garments, shoots and leaves of contamination with dirt and perspiration.
Disconnect the large branches and broader leavesIn order to give better exposure to the drying of smaller branches and smaller leaves.
Keep the branches of drying at a distance of half a foot. If they are too close together, you could shape your plant call, and if they are too far apart, are faster than what is necessary to be dried. Both situations lead to the loss of power and will decrease the quality.
The average time for drying is from one week to three weeks. To determine whether the properly dried plantsSome branches and bend them. If you are in an angle of 90 degrees or less would be broken, it means that your plant is already well dried. If they do not, then you must make it even more dry.
The magic of the cure

Healing is an important process in hydroponic gardening project, as they are for converting your plants in quality products, the high commercial value. Just be sure that it will not be one of the steps associatedCare, they have dried properly. Note the following tricks and enjoying the triumph that you want:

Place in an airtight container for your plants. Keep the container in a room where it stabilizes the temperature at 20 degrees Celsius. Make sure the light does not penetrate into the room, because it could damage the product.
The residual moisture contents of sealed containers surely evaporate and cling to the inner surface of theContainer. Slowly open the lid and let the more moisture to escape. Do so during the first week in a 24-hour interval for a period of about 30 minutes. In the second week, repeat the process over a period of 48 hours. Repeat this operation in the third week and the other next week, if necessary, until all moisture is removed.
Watch out for possible damage caused by too much moisture. Signs of decay are a smell that the same thing, is that the new grass and compostScraps.
Keep stored dried plants, which do not have much green in more air-tight containers that are placed in a location with a temperature of twenty degrees centigrade.
Store in the refrigerator is much to avoid exposure to pollution, heat and light, degrading the quality and duration of the reduction could lead. Keep them intact for several weeks or months.
Prevention and elimination

The prevention and elimination of bugs have been one ofgreat concern in hydroponic planters and scientists in agriculture. With the advent of more scientific studies and research methods of modern science are the bugs came up with innovative ways to meet the growth and prevent errors. The last and most effective so far is the biological control of pests. This method is simple and requires only that the bugs are introduced friendly to the environment, harmful beetles damage counter.

Predator insects You MustDestroy in your Hydroponic Garden

At various stages, the system may suffer from different types of errors. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with them so you know how to prevent and destroy. As the seedling growth of your plants the following error might affect them and kill them or damage is:

Cutworms: The turnip moth larvae. They feed on leaves, stems and shoots of young plants.
Hemp beetles flea beetles are very small eating jumpingthe leaves of seedlings.
Crickets are very harmful to humans but lethal to plants because they feed on leaves and shoots, especially those who are only in their growth.
If you grow your plants and develop higher and broader leaves when they begin to bloom well, the following error would certainly have prevented tons of headaches if:

Mites, they are very small and almost invisible to the naked eye. It is a very fast pace to play, and before you know it, theyThey have destroyed their entire crop. The evidence for their presence is usually the presence of dead spots on the leaves. If they have strongly influenced the plants, the leaves turn yellow, almost the shade of bronze.
Aphids: They are known as aphids and are very common in temperate zones. They feed on plant sap and flowers are more likely to damage, even before they unfold.
White flies: fruit flies seem, but they are out of place, because they chew the leaves andFlowers plants love.
Cicadas: Taxonomy essay, are only relatively small as grasshoppers. They thrive on green leaves.
Other errors that infect the 'fork, stems and roots could be these:

European corn borer: They are commonly found in corn, but also noted that the damage is your favorite plant.
Hemp drill: most of the time that infect fruit, but also love the green stems of healthy products.
They prefer dry plant weevilor the environment. They are dangerous destroyer of stalks and stems.
Root worms: they eat the roots of plants. They give the ability of the roots of osmosis.
Termites and ants feed on insects, roots of self-assembled and can be in any environment, the plants are
Fungus gnats: there are small birds with dark short-lived, but the evil effect on the roots, which become infected.
The best solutions

There are many solutions available that help youto eliminate bug infestation and prevent your plants you want. Five of these techniques are as follows:

Biological control of pests through the use of a positive or a small animal, that the error will eat your crop damage. They control pests and destroy their young adults, eggs and larvae. Some examples are the predatory mites greenhouse mites, nematodes for weevils, aphids and leaf tip whitefly parasitic wasp for the opposite.
Bio-spray is better to come in concentrated or sprayDoses. All you have to do is spray on the affected leaves.
Adhesive pads that serve as alarm systems, as they attract insects because of their yellow color.
Protection of plants that emit odors that are repulsive error.
Neem oil that damages the nervous system of insects.
Sound preventive measures

Eradication can be very expensive and could cost the prevention anything. Here are some tips that you can to avoid an infestation of bugs in your growthRooms:

Clean instruments before and after use.
Maintain proper drainage of the region to ensure cleanliness.
Do not water because water is not used may be an oasis of error.
Quarantine infected plants, to prevent other attacks.
The Perpetual Harvest: Sea of Green Techniques

These techniques involve the extraction of small batches of plants that mature early. They refer to this method of hydroponic gardening, where plants are smallergrown for shorter periods instead of growing a few large plants for a long period of time. With hydroponics, controlled environment where lighting to ventilation, you can start a charge at an earlier time, and they expire, another batch is started. This method leads to a year-round cultivation and collection cycle. Another way to do this starting point, everyone works together and create a green canopy, where you can leave your plants collected more than once.Higher plants without uprooting them from the first to be harvested. As the plant grows a little 'more, the lowest level above the tip, which is ready for harvest.

About accommodation camping

Posted: 02 Jul 2011 08:40 PM PDT

Refer to a certain percentage of campers excited by light of a wood fire and a flashlight you want simple, there are dozens of choices as regards the lighting of the tour goes to an external site. Some of these alternatives include electricity, while others require carrying a propane or kerosene lamp for such items as a stove.

If the mobile home with a more simple, will remain as a combination of wood-fuel-driven fire and lights, will include the preparationSupply of wood, fuel oil and wicks for the lamps. As a backup plan or alternative many campers who rely on natural fuel for torches and removed the battery and light lanterns along the humid nights and short excursions from the campsite.

But if the weather allows you to make calls for greater comfort of timber and fuel lamps are on offer, it may be necessary to make arrangements for a campsite with electricity. How tent campers to go beyond the "primitive" levelCamping and fire, are often open to its destination in a truck or camper self-contained campers. Connection to electricity service at the campsite provides electricity for cooking, interior lighting, charging, battery products and much more. (While some campers and motor homes can have electric heating, motor homes are often heated by LP gas cylinders.)

In most fields, you will need to take a few minutes to book the camping supply, since the number of RVCamper has undergone tremendous growth in recent years. A few minutes spent confirming that a site with power at the other end of the trip waiting to emphasize most is that the production comes from a home away from home is eliminated. As the family settles in their field "electric", a series of services are available. A family member can fill out a meal on an electric stove or on a series of LP gas itself, the heating is provided to prepare the camper. MoreFamily members can be read on a chair-side or bedside lamp and electric at home.

Camper and equipment companies have another option for a list of ways including camping and sheds light on. In a sense, this new method is a return to natural sources such as wood. When the sun is shining, campers have the ability to operate solar-powered accessories for hours. A unique product, known as the photovoltaic cell collects energy from the sun and stores it in rechargeableBatteries. The best thing about this method is that the batteries are often lighter and less bulky than conventional batteries for flashlights and lanterns are used, because the lamps need less power.

No matter how you choose to light your way when you camp, plan for the two methods of illumination. The opportunities are there!

Air conditioning – cleaning the cooling coil

Posted: 01 Jul 2011 08:20 PM PDT

The air conditioning works by exchanging heat from inside a building from the outside. That will take some basic principles of the need for refrigeration. One of the most important pieces is to make this happen, the cooling coil. This is usually the aluminum coil surrounding the air conditioning compressor.

What happens in this external drive, a simple change in state of refrigerant in air conditioner. The refrigerant from a liquid to a changeGas inside the inner coil moves outside, where the compressor compresses the gas at high pressure. If this happens, the gas, also very hot. The hot gas then exits the compressor to begin the journey through many feet of pipe to the condenser. As the gas cools, it returns to liquid form back inside to start the cycle again.

Major problems begin when the condenser is clogged with dirt that the hot gas in the condenserCoil is not cool enough, the hot gas back to liquid form. If this happens, the cooling takes place and then the air conditioner is running but not cooling. The compressor starts to become very hot and the end result will be the death of a compressor. For these reasons, the capacitor must be clean and free of debris at all times when the air conditioning running. Cleaning the coil is a fairly simple process, here are some guidelines to follow when youthis.

To clean the coil a few simple tools are needed. A garden hose nozzle with a key to the condenser to remove a garden sprayer to apply the cleaning solution. The first thing is to unplug the power for the external drive. There should be a switch of a type close to the condenser. Then remove the fan from the condenser. Normally this will be the top of the device. The fan can usually be accurately positioned next without disconnecting the motor cables.Thoroughly wet the coil with the garden hose. If you have high pressure water in which they live, have ensured that the water pressure to turn on the coil fins. These are very thin and fragile. If they are bent to get on the air will not be able to flow freely through them. Sprayer with the cleaning solution from the garden, his coat inside and outside the coil. Let the solution work on the accumulation of dirt before washing off. If you use a foaming cleanser to roll, thenfoam debris from the cooking coil. Then use a garden hose to wash the dirt from the coil. I often work from within the spray through the coil. This is the opposite of the usual flow of air and wash the dirt easier. Rinse the battery with water until no more dirt to clean it with detergent or output. Replace the fan and run the device again.

The solution for cleaning the condenser coil cleaner is any good. Many car-type radiator cleaning workswell. Capacitors for very dirty, it would be good to buy a foaming coil cleaner designed to clean the condenser coils. A local plumber and heating supply house should take stock of the cleaning solutions of the coil. Most of these solutions are very strong chemicals. Be sure to wear gloves and goggles when working with them.

With your clean air conditioning condenser, help your air conditioner running at the best efficiency possible. A capacitor is cleaneasiest ways to save money during the execution of electric central air conditioning. A clean coil compressor can run cooler and last longer help him. Your condenser coil are thoroughly cleaned at least once a year. If you live in very dirty environments, such as on a dirt road, it is often necessary to clean the condenser. Moreover, not things that clog the coil. Blowing grass clippings into the condenser coil is a common thing that happens. KeepShrubs to grow in and around the condenser. In this way the flow of air to the coil. Large flowers planted can also do the same thing near the coil.

As you can see there are many things that bring air conditioning to work harder and can cost more money. The time to look through things and give you a clean you can save a lot of money.

