วันศุกร์ที่ 22 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Disaster Survival and Heat – Prepare an emergency stay hot

Disaster Survival and Heat – Prepare an emergency stay hot

Disaster Survival and Heat – Prepare an emergency stay hot

Posted: 21 Apr 2011 10:01 PM PDT

Disasters and emergencies can happen at any time. While some of the most important goods such as food and water, you can not forget your heating needs. If you lose the heat and there is no going back, this is as bad as hunger or thirst because of the impact body. Prepare your heating needs, so you only have in this case.

Blankets, sleeping bags

The most reliable form of heat, blankets and sleeping bags. Make sure you have enoughfor all the family. Most of the mummy bag with a couple of cheap blankets provide warmth. Even with several layers of clothing especially for the feet and the warmth of your body will keep the heat in.

Portable propane stove

If there is a disaster or emergency, electricity and natural gas could be turned off. Citing heat from these sources is not the best idea. Get a propane heat stove, you can use to give.It can contain 20 kg of propane tanks on hand to provide heat to them. Be sure though. Can not be a propane heater inside the 20 pounds cans. You can use the portable version can be run with 1 €, he is off oxygen sensors, so that you do not get carbon monoxide poisoning.


If stuck at home during a disaster, ensure that your home has insulation to keep out the cold and warm inside This is convenient becauseIt will save on heating costs when a disaster will never happen.


Keep the materials and firewood is a good idea. You can always cook with it and are a source of heat from it. Indoor furnaces are an option, but you can also use this one out. Allows you to keep a fire pit made of metal or the lower half of a metal barrel, the fire away from the usual dry, dead grass in winter does not spread fire.

